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Screen NameChronicler   
NameN.C. Elections
Location, PA,
BirthdayFebruary 21, 1967
AffiliationWilliam Penn
First LoginJanuary 28, 2004 08:43pm
Last LoginMay 23, 2024 08:01pm
Predictions Points: 84.4516
Predictions: 10/14 (71.43%)
Points Per: 84.4516/14 (6.03)
Emote Messages 49
WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
November 08, 2023 02:34pm
Well Fixer you have a good point - the Democrats placed first in Virginia even though a lot of their voters didn't show up for a midterm election. This should be ominous for Republicans who hope Trump can win Virginia in 2024. The goal in politics is to place first in the election.

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
November 21, 2022 05:43pm
In Liz We Truss!

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
June 24, 2022 01:17pm
"Throwing out a precedent overnight that the country has relied upon for half a century is not conservative. It is a sudden and radical jolt to the country that will lead to political chaos, anger, and a further loss of confidence in our government. This decision is inconsistent with what Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh said in their testimony and their meetings with me, where they both were insistent on the importance of supporting long-standing precedents that the country has relied upon."

— Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), 6/24/2022

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
June 02, 2022 08:06am
Hi - Andy Romagnano just sent me another e-mail. He says he is preparing a lawsuit against OC over his inability to get signed in. I don't know what to tell him other than he needs to be in contact with someone other than me because I don't have the ability to do what he is asking for.

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
March 01, 2022 11:37am
The 40-mile long Russian convoy headed south along the west side of the Dnieper has stalled from lack of food and fuel.

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
December 30, 2021 09:11am
Only if they are as personally and professionally successful as Lauren Boebert.

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
January 07, 2021 08:51pm
Wow - only six lies in 2.5 minutes.

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
September 02, 2020 07:16pm
Mr. Politics: There is one from Louisiana in the Senate.

Yes, but I knew John Kennedy and the Louisiana Senator is no John Kennedy.

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
September 02, 2020 07:00pm
Lock them up!

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
August 22, 2020 06:11am
Maybe surprised and impressed = surpressed?

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
August 11, 2020 05:25am
Happy half a century day Randy!

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
April 16, 2020 12:19pm
Interesting - why would someone want to hack OC? Should I remove my credit card information from my profile page just in case (lol)?

WmP:879Chronicler ( 84.45 points)
April 13, 2020 01:39pm
This won't help the discussion here but it seems like people who believe Biden is insufficiently liberal might consider volunteering for US Senate or US House candidates, particularly races that are seriously contested and held by a Republican. To maximize his effectiveness, Biden will need as much support in Congress as possible. If the Democrats can claim the US Senate (which seems in the ballpark right now with KS and MT in play), Biden can then tack to the left.

Bernie might have given you 90% of what you want but that ship has sailed. The choice now is between getting 12% of what you want by letting Trump win again or getting 50% of what you want by voting for Biden.

  Discussion 0-25 of 14