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Chronicler's Minutiae

The big bad OC presidential table is here.

Index to My Blog Postings

US Presidential Election History

– What the presidential candidates were doing on election day in 1892, 1896, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928

Presidential Election of 1808

Generic US Election History

Analysis of 1800 US House Elections

Whig Party Congressional Disaster of 1842

Very Close Elections

The Initial Indiana Primary System

Very Close Elections
Posted April 04, 2008 at 09:00pm by Chronicler

This is a page where information on close races is posted. These are for major races - no convention votes or elections with just 100 votes cast.

Additional races will be added as they are made known - so feel free to post any that you know of!

Races ending in a tie:
-- NC-12 1823 [Link]
-- MD-06 1820 [Link]

One-vote win:
-- OH-7 1832 [Link]
-- CA-04 1876 [Link]

-- NY Assembly - 97 R Primary 1992 [Link]
-- ME State House-80 2002 [Link]
-- CT State House-65 2002 [Link]

Two-vote win:
-- NH U.S. Senate 1974 (result contested) [Link]

-- IN-05 1960 [Link]
-- OH-07 1886 [Link]
-- MO-09 1880 [Link]
-- WI-08 1874 [Link]

-- OK State House-25 2006 [Link]
-- UT State House-54 1970 [Link]

Three-vote win:
-- FL-02 1876 [Link]
-- WV-04 1888 [Link]

-- NY Assembly (Westchester-3) 1964 [Link]

Four-vote win:
-- IN-08 1984 (psephologists do not accept this recount margin) [Link]
-- NY-01 1914 [Link]
-- NY-08 1806 [Link]
-- NC-06 1839 [Link]

Five-vote win:
-- WI-09 1910 [Link]
-- GA-03 1853 [Link]
