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  Inside the turbulent, doomed campaign of Herschel Walker
Parent(s) Candidate 
Last EditedIndyGeorgia  Dec 08, 2022 06:41pm
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AuthorMarc Caputo
News DateThursday, December 8, 2022 05:15:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionGeorgia’s Senate runoff was less than a day old and, already, there was a shouting match at a staff meeting.

Republican candidate Herschel Walker's campaign was starved for cash as it faced Sen. Raphael Warnock and his deep-pocketed Democratic allies. A Walker consultant wanted one of the campaign advisers to coach the candidate to give a sharp, clear fundraising pitch when he went on Fox News to fire up small-dollar donors and send them to TeamHerschel.com, according to the consultant and the adviser, who both agreed to recount the dispute with NBC News on the condition of anonymity.

The short answer: No. The adviser insisted that Walker can’t sound like “a used car salesman” and needed to spend more time driving a negative message about Warnock on TV. But the consultant wanted more from Walker.

“If you think that’s how it works, you’re smoking drugs,” the adviser snapped back.

“If you think we’re going to win a campaign with no money, you’re smoking drugs!” the consultant shouted in return.

A few slurs, including a four-letter word, were exchanged. No one apologized. Walker never changed his fundraising pitch, and he was eventually outspent in the runoff, contributing to his defeat Tuesday night.

Beyond highlighting an intense clash in a nationally watched political campaign’s crucible, the blowup underscored the core problem of Walker’s campaign: Walker.
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