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  Missouri's Billy Long voted no on gay marriage. His family co-hosted my same-sex marriage shower
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Last EditedSouthern_Moderate2  Aug 01, 2022 03:46pm
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AuthorEllen Neville-Verdugo
News DateSunday, July 31, 2022 09:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionRep. Billy Long recently said, “I act the same when somebody is watching or somebody is not watching.” Days later, the U.S. Senate candidate and my family “friend” of 20-plus years voted against protecting my family’s right to marriage with the Respect for Marriage Act. Long and his family co-hosted my same-sex wedding shower in 2018. However, he refused to be in any pictures with us. My family disinvited him from the wedding. Shortly after, Long invited my wife and me to lunch. We reluctantly accepted, mistaking it for an apology.
On the contrary, he excused his behavior by telling us about all of the LGBTQ people he knew (not many) and asked to be re-invited to our wedding. We did and he attended. It’s time we recognize his public stance on marriage equality for what it is: not truly held belief, but cynical political hypocrisy.

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