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  “This Nomination Is a F--k-You to the Left”: Trump Campaign Is Itching for a Culture-War Fight Over SCOTUS Pick
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Last EditedRP  Sep 21, 2020 09:51pm
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AuthorGabriel Sherman
News DateTuesday, September 22, 2020 03:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionWith 43 days left until the election, Trump is itching for a fight as he moves quickly to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat. “This nomination is a ****-you to the left,” a Republican close to the White House told me. Two years later Barrett is the front-runner. According to a source, Trump told Federalist Society cochairman Leonard Leo prior to Ginsburg’s death that he would nominate Barrett to fill her seat if it opened up. The White House did not provide comment.

The SCOTUS drama has infused the Trump campaign with renewed optimism after it has been battered by weeks of devastating book bombshells, widening polls, and a U.S. coronavirus death toll nearing 200,000. Just one day after Ginsburg’s death, the MAGA faithful were chanting, “Fill that seat!” at Trump’s North Carolina rally—and the campaign is already selling T-shirts with the slogan. Sources said Trump sees selecting Ginsburg’s replacement as if he is scripting a new story line in the reality show he’s producing. “I guarantee you he parades female judges through the White House every day for the next week,” a former official said. “This is his thing. He loves the nomination guessing game.”
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