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  Gabbard qualifies for fourth presidential debate
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ContributorWA Indy 
Last EditedWA Indy  Sep 24, 2019 01:05pm
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AuthorMax Greenwood
News DateTuesday, September 24, 2019 07:05:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionRep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) became the 12th Democratic presidential candidate to qualify for the party’s October primary debate on Tuesday after a new poll showed her with 2 percent support in New Hampshire.

To qualify for the October debate, candidates have to collect contributions from 130,000 unique donors and register at least 2 percent in four Democratic National Committee-approval polls. Gabbard met the donor benchmark weeks ago but has struggled to notch enough support in a fourth poll to put her over the polling threshold.
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