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  Gillum’s October surprise: ex-friend’s texts, emails could make or break his campaign
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Last EditedBrentinCO  Oct 23, 2018 08:43pm
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News DateWednesday, October 24, 2018 02:40:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionTallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum has gotten pretty good at answering questions about whether he accepted favors from lobbyists and gifts from undercover FBI agents.


But with early voting just underway, Gillum could be dogged until election day by questions about who paid for what, and whether he’s been lying about his relationships with Tallahassee insiders and fake developers who spent years poking around Tallahassee City Hall in search of corruption.

“Of course he lied,” an almost cocky DeSantis said Tuesday during a campaign stop in a Miami deli. “More will come out.”
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