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  Rubio Suggests Orlando Shooting Has Him Reconsidering Another Senate Run
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Last EditedRP  Jun 13, 2016 11:00am
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AuthorKatherine Krueger
News DateMonday, June 13, 2016 02:30:00 PM UTC0:0

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said the mass shooting this weekend in Orlando, Florida, gave him pause about his service and “deeply impacted” him, remarks that were widely read as pushing the door back open on possibly running for re-election.

Asked Monday by conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt if the attack would make him reconsider his decision not to run for re-election, Rubio said he hadn’t “given it thought from that perspective.”

“I’ve been deeply impacted by it,” he continued. “When it visits your home state and it impacts a community you know well, it really gives you pause to think about your service to your country and where you can be most useful to your country.”
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