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  Conservative editor: Republicans are losing because of Family Guy
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Sep 02, 2013 01:10pm
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CategoryBlog Entry
AuthorEric W. Dolan
News DateSunday, September 1, 2013 08:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionRepublicans are losing to Democrats because pop culture in the United States is dominated by liberal thought, according to conservative writer and TV editor Bill Whittle.

At the RightOnline Conference in Orlando on Saturday, Whittle singled out the TV show Family Guy with particular disdain.

“Any audience of people that grew up with classical Superman automatically love this country because Superman is about the best America we can be, and when Superman was all over the pop culture we were a nation that loved this country,” he remarked. “Now, 20 years after the peak of Superman‘s popularity along comes Gilligan’s Island. That’s pretty neutral in terms of politics. Really about the only message you can get from Gilligan’s Island is if you want to get off the island all you have to do is kill Gilligan.”
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