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  Prominent social conservative urges activists to withhold GOP donations
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Apr 12, 2013 04:58am
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AuthorMark Preston
News DateFriday, April 12, 2013 12:30:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionLos Angeles (CNN) - Prominent social conservative Tony Perkins called on political activists Thursday evening to withhold contributions to Republican campaign committees, as the GOP is embroiled in a debate over social issues.

Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, made the request in an email to supporters of his organization, as members of the Republican National Committee met in California to discuss campaign strategy and political messaging.

"Until the RNC and the other national Republican organizations grow a backbone and start defending core principles, don’t send them a dime of your hard-earned money," Perkins said in the email, a copy of which was obtained by CNN. "If you want to invest in the political process, and I encourage you to do so, give directly to candidates who reflect your values and organizations you trust-like FRC Action."
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