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  Italy's 'bunga bunga' man Berlusconi, 76, unveils girlfriend, 27
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Last EditedRP  Dec 17, 2012 01:12pm
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AuthorClaudio Lavanga
News DateMonday, December 17, 2012 03:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionSilvio Berlusconi, the disgraced former prime minister of Italy who became infamous for hosting "bunga bunga" sex parties, has announced a relationship with a politician 49 years his junior as he seeks to return to power despite facing an underage prostitution trial.

The billionaire former leader told television viewers Sunday he is now in a steady relationship with Francesca Pascale, a 27-year-old political councilor in his People of Freedom Party.

"Finally I feel less lonely," he said, adding: "She is 27 years old, with very solid values, beautiful on the outside and even more beautiful on the inside.”
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