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  Perry avoids gaffes at GOP foreign policy debate
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Last EditedJason  Nov 13, 2011 01:12am
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News DateSunday, November 13, 2011 03:40:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe first Republican presidential debate to focus on foreign policy and national security produced several points of disagreement Saturday, but minus the acrimony that shaped previous debates.

Gov. Rick Perry, who on Wednesday famously forgot one of the federal agencies he wants to shut down, avoided any similar gaffes in the Spartanburg, S.C. debate — the first this year aired on broadcast television.

Perry said in the debate that foreign aid to all countries — even Israel — should start at zero. “Then we will have a conversation about whether or not a penny needs to go into those countries,” Perry said.

He later added, “Israel is a special ally, and my bet is that we would be funding them at some substantial level. But it makes sense for everyone to come in at zero and make your case.” He also said Pakistan was “clearly sending messages that they don’t deserve our foreign aid,” which drew disagreement from former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann.
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