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  Rogue state: Florida crashes 2012 calendar
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Last EditedJason  Sep 30, 2011 07:34pm
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News DateSaturday, October 1, 2011 01:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThere they go again.

Just as it did in 2008, Florida blew up the carefully constructed 2012 GOP presidential calendar Friday, choosing to hold its presidential primary more than a month ahead of the Republican National Committee-authorized date. It’s a move with far-reaching effects that could remake the presidential primary and caucus landscape — and possibly lead to a nominating season that begins as early as December.

GOP officials in the early states — New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada — delivered strong denunciations of Florida’s leap-frogging act but were coy Friday about when they will announce the dates of their own contests. Still, it’s easy to work backwards from Florida’s Jan. 31 primary to figure out how the new calendar might play out.

Iowa will hold its caucuses the week before the New Hampshire vote. New Hampshire’s constitution requires it votes a week before any other state’s primary. Nevada’s GOP rules require a state caucus on the Saturday after the New Hampshire primary. And South Carolina will hold a primary on a Tuesday or a Saturday, sometime between the Nevada caucus and the Florida primary.
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