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  Actual Twits To Tweet In Tea Party ‘Presidential Twitter Debate’
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Jul 15, 2011 11:22pm
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AuthorKirsten Boyd Johnson
News DateFriday, July 15, 2011 09:50:00 PM UTC0:0
Description“Tea Party Presidential Twitter debate” sounds like a) a terrible orgy of hollering wingnuts furiously flinging spelling errors around at each other like the clap going around a trailer park or b) something worthy of contenders for our nation’s highest office? The Tea Party candidates are going to show half-assed Twitter clown Barack Obama “how it is done” next Wednesday, by allowing the entire Internet to yell at them for a solid hour and a half using the handle @140townhall.

An Arizona Tea Party group — of course — is organizing it, and there will be a mysterious “moderator,” something we do not understand because the whole “point” of Twitter is that there is no higher-power moderator to mind-control everyone with something illiterate to type into the twat box. Kind of like how there is no God moderating Michele Bachmann’s delusional thought process.

Bachmann, Rick Santorum and Herman Cain are confirmed to participate. No word on whether Twitter president Newt Gingrich is in.
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