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  Donald Trump as White House President: What do the polls say?
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Last EditedKyle  Mar 23, 2011 02:57pm
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AuthorThe Daily Beast
News DateWednesday, February 16, 2011 08:55:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionHow would the mama grizzly fare against the incumbent? Could Donald Trump play the Ross Perot wild-card? A new Newsweek/Daily Beast poll handicaps the 2012 election. Handicapping of the 2012 presidential election is well under way: Obama vs. Huckabee. Obama vs. Romney. Obama vs. Palin. But what if Donald Trump were in the mix? The notion seems only slightly less outlandish after the Donald's splashy (and anything but humble) appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference. And when we asked likely voters in the new Newsweek/Daily Beast poll, we found that some of the GOP's biggest names would be wise to keep an eye out for Trump, who did surprisingly well. Could he play the Ross Perot wild-card role in 2012? Take a look at how Trump alters the equation in some key lineups.
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