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  Can John Thune Run Against Obama?
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Last EditedBob  Jan 31, 2011 04:41pm
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AuthorLarry Mendte
News DateMonday, January 31, 2011 10:40:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionJohn Thune. It’s a name you should know, at least for this week, because he may be our next president, or maybe not. But he is the latest contestant on The Politics of the Right! The political game show started in January with the beginning of the 2012 presidential election cycle. Republicans are trying to find someone to appear in the final showcase next to President Obama.

The President’s greatest strength in seeking re-election is that he has no real opponent. He is Ali without Frazier, Connors without McEnroe. With no one to challenge him, no one the media sees as worthy of equal time, Obama gets to run unopposed in the earliest stages of campaign.

Sarah Palin was that person for a time. But she has been damaged — fairly or unfairly and maybe beyond reparation — by the attacks on her use of rifle hash marks on her Tea Party target map for the 2010 midterm elections. One of the Congressional districts she targeted was represented by Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot earlier this month along with 19 others, at a meeting with constituents after winning re-election.
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