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  Newsom’s likely victory could be The City’s doomsday
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Last EditedJason  Jun 17, 2010 05:06am
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AuthorKen Garcia
News DateThursday, June 10, 2010 11:05:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionSan Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom appears poised to move into the easiest job he’s ever had in politics at the same time his city is on the verge of the most taxing time in its history.

Talk about your costly changes.

Newsom’s primary victory in the Democratic race for lieutenant governor means he’s one step closer to an office that he couldn’t even define. If he wins the general election in November, his departure means that his successor will be picked by a group of ultra-liberals on the Board of Supervisors that has spent the past seven years waging war against the forces of tradition and moderation.

It’s a doomsday scenario that could impact the balance of power and the makeup of San Francisco for years to come. For business groups and average citizens, it will be the beginning of a period when the centrist nature of big-city government will disappear almost as quickly as parking spaces in new buildings.

And the only hope for those people is that the board and the interim mayor drift so far from the majority views of average San Francisco residents that it causes the kind of backlash that Newsom and others predict if the new executive leadership follows a reckless ideological path.
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