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  Gov. Bobby Jindal: I'm not running for president
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Last EditedMonsieur  Apr 11, 2010 04:49pm
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AuthorBill Barrow
MediaNewspaper - New Orleans Times-Picayune
News DateSunday, April 11, 2010 10:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionGov. Bobby Jindal opened his speech to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference telling the crowd, "I am not running for president of the United States of America."

He did not say "never." But it was a Shermanesque statement for 2012, a year where some party operatives say Jindal is a more likely vice presidential candidate, if anything.

He spent the rest of his 25-minutes at the podium with a mostly muted, but firm critique of what he's dubbed "the Washington way" while bragging on his home state under his leadership. And in keeping with the pep rally atmosphere, he encouraged his fellow Republicans to recapture congressional majorities this fall.

"Power breeds arrogance," he said of Democrats. "We may not be able to take away their arrogance. But we can take away their power in November."
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