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  Baker Narrows List of Running Mates in Governor's Race
Parent(s) Race 
ContributorNikki from Beacon Hill 
Last EditedNikki from Beacon Hill  Nov 20, 2009 01:03pm
Logged 1 [Older]
AuthorFrank Phillips
MediaNewspaper - Boston Globe
News DateFriday, November 20, 2009 07:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionTisei seen in lead for lieutenant governor

As part of a decision that will significantly shape next year’s gubernatorial race, Republican Charles D. Baker is reviewing a final list of four potential running mates, including a district attorney, the GOP’s two top legislative leaders, and a lawmaker known for her political candor, a campaign adviser said yesterday.

Baker is hoping to choose a candidate for lieutenant governor this weekend and is considering Senate minority leader Richard R. Tisei of Wakefield, House minority leader Bradley H. Jones Jr. of North Reading, Plymouth District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz, and state Representative Karyn E. Polito of Shrewsbury
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