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  [U.S. Rep. Lamar] Smith gathers lawmakers to combat liberal media bias
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Last EditedServo  Jun 07, 2009 06:59am
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MediaNewspaper - San Antonio Express-News
News DateFriday, June 5, 2009 12:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionSaying the greatest threat to the country is not a recession or terrorist attack but liberal media bias, Rep. Lamar Smith on Friday filed papers in the House to create the Media Fairness Caucus.

Smith said the caucus, consisting of roughly a dozen lawmakers, would point out liberal bias in mainstream media stories and pressure news organizations to be accurate, objective and fair.

In an interview on the Fox News Channel, Smith, R-San Antonio, said he didn’t want to “be radical, but to me, the greatest threat to America is not necessarily a recession or even another terrorist attack.”

“The greatest threat to America is a liberal media bias, and I think that because if the American people don’t know the facts, they can’t make good decisions and if the American people can’t make good decisions, then our democracy is threatened,” Smith said.
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