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  Best to ignore Herenton's latest childish stunt
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Last EditedServo  Apr 23, 2009 09:06am
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MediaNewspaper - Memphis Commercial Appeal
News DateThursday, April 23, 2009 03:05:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionMemphis Mayor Willie Herenton may have turned 69 today, but he's behaving like a toddler.

With his surprise announcement Tuesday of plans to challenge U.S. Rep Steve Cohen for the 9th District congressional seat, Herenton has effectively thrown a tantrum in the middle of the floor in a crowded room.

He's hoping for attention -- and he got it, with members of the news media (including me) scratching our heads and scrambling to make sense of this latest bombshell.

But what if we as a city, much like a smart parent, would have ignored his latest tantrum?

Could we muster the willpower to not gawk at the spectacle Herenton regularly makes of himself and instead leave the room as he's issuing statements about being well-positioned for legislative service?

If we collectively did so, I'm guessing Herenton would be forced to do what even a 3-year-old has the sense to do: Seeing that he's not going to get the attention he craves from his latest paddling-worthy performance, he gets up, dusts himself off and, for a while at least, behaves.
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