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  [Bill] Cosby hails Obama, knocks Hannity
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Jan 11, 2009 01:28am
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News DateSaturday, January 10, 2009 10:25:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionBill Cosby, the entertainer-turned-activist known for his controversial comments on race, told Washington’s WTOP radio station Saturday that Barack and Michelle Obama were examples of the parenting and family values he’s challenged black America to strengthen.

“Who is Barack Obama and what did he tell us, when he talked about his mother? What was it he was saying when he said his mother woke up, 4:30 in the morning…to correct his homework, to get it done?” Cosby asked rhetorically. “Let’s listen to Michelle Obama who talks about her father with a disease, but he doesn’t call in work and say, let me call in later. He gets up an hour earlier.”

“There are statements made which tell us, you know, that people make it because they try,” Cosby said.
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