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  About $2.6 Billion Spent on Political Ads in 2008
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Last EditedArmyDem  Dec 02, 2008 04:24pm
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News DateTuesday, December 2, 2008 10:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionBy Katharine Q. Seelye

Total spending on political advertising this year by candidates and interest groups reached at least $2.6 billion, the highest amount ever in a presidential election year, according to the Campaign Media Analysis Group, which tracks political advertising expenditures.

Most of it — $2 billion — was spent on local broadcast television, which should surprise no one living in a battleground state.

Radio and local cable accounted for about $400 million, while national cable and national network drew about $200 million.

The total, which includes spending for all offices from president to dog catcher as well as advocacy ads, is up about 34 percent from the $1.7 billion spent in 2004.

But it’s actually less than the $3 billion that CMAG had projected.

And, perhaps unexpectedly, it is about the same amount that was spent in 2006, a non-presidential year but one in which there were several governor’s races in big states and multiple ballot measures that attracted interest groups.

The dollars this year fell short of projections mainly because the Democratic presidential primary ran so long that it cut into the period for the general election, said Evan Tracey, the chief operative officer of CMAG.
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