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  8 governors pay tribute to John Warner
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ContributorThe Sunset Provision 
Last EditedThe Sunset Provision  Apr 28, 2008 05:34pm
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News DateMonday, April 28, 2008 11:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionIt takes an important event to bring together all of Virginia's living governors.

A funeral. Maybe a visit from the queen or the inauguration of a new governor.

But amid a lot of collegial backslapping and jokes, eight Virginia governors gathered last night at the Ritz-Carlton in Pentagon City to honor Sen. John W. Warner, R-Va.

About 300 people attended the gala held in Warner's honor by the Thomas C. Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia.

Warner, 81, is retiring at the end of the year after three decades in the Senate, the second-longest tenure in Virginia history.

The appearance of all the governors at the event was a testament to Warner, said Barbara Fried, the chairwoman of the Sorensen Institute.

"This has never happened before in the history of the commonwealth, and it's a tribute to them and shows the reverence they have for Senator Warner," she said.

Some might have thought it was too much.

"Eight governors," former Gov. Linwood Holton said jokingly. "I'd say that's an overload."

Known as an independent Republican with moderate to conservative views, Warner is respected in Washington by members of both parties.

Former Govs. Jim Gilmore, a Republican, and Mark R. Warner, a Democrat, are running for the seat John Warner is vacating and were at the event. The two Warners are not related.

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