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  [GA-08] Ellis won't run for Congress this year
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Last EditedRBH  Apr 24, 2008 01:06am
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News DateSaturday, March 29, 2008 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionFormer Macon Mayor Jack Ellis, who has often publicly pondered a run for Congress, won't make a go of it this year, he said this week.

But Ellis is staying active in politics. In fact, when Political Notebook caught up with the ex-mayor, he was packing for a plane. ("I like to travel," the mayor kidded, a nod to the controversy his travels caused while he was in office.) Ellis was headed to North Carolina and Pennsylvania to campaign for presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

The night Ellis left office, he was pondering a run against local U.S. Rep. Jim Marshall or for Cynthia McKinney's old congressional seat in Atlanta, where he owns a home. But that will have to wait, he said this week.

"Timing is everything in politics, and it wasn't my time for that," he said.
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