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  McCain/Hutchison ‘96???
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Last Editedparticleman  Mar 02, 2008 02:07pm
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News DateSaturday, March 1, 2008 07:55:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe following article was written by Scott Lehigh of the Boston Globe on May 19, 1996. This was when Bob Dole was 20 points behind Bill Clinton, and it was implied that John McCain could be a youthful and more conservative alternative to Bob Dole. It is always interesting to read how people thought about things in previous eras. It is also amusing how Jack Kemp was suggested as the person to lead a stop-Dole movement, and then a few months later Kemp was selected as VP. That shows even journalists can be way off base in their predictions, but you knew that anyway.

It’s certainly probable — very probable — that Dole will claim the party’s nomination at its August convention in San Diego.

Between probable and inevitable, however, lies the land of schemes, and as Dole limps through the spring of his party’s discontent, trailing President Clinton by a deficit from which no modern challenger has ever recovered, some Republican operatives are privately dreaming of scenarios by which the convention might dump Dole — the 72-year-old veteran of 27 years in the Senate, 35 in Congress — for a fresh, appealing, exciting candidate.

Republican officials dismiss such imaginings as nonsense. The campaign is young, and Dole, they insist, has time to close the gap. And that’s true. Still, if Dole’s fortunes don’t improve markedly by the time of the Republican National Convention, some
Republicans insiders suggest the party may mutiny rather than sail into the maelstrom they spy on the horizon. Odds are that will prove little but wishful thinking. But it might also set the stage for a scenario like this one-
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