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  The Plutocrats v. The Theocrats
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Last EditedRP  Dec 14, 2007 02:30pm
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News DateThursday, December 13, 2007 08:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionAs the primaries (finally) approach, it is increasingly apparent that the real GOP battle is between the business wing and the social conservative wing of the party. Is the real showdown going to be over the future of the GOP?

After months of tedium and mindless chest-thumping, the race for the Republican presidential nomination finally got interesting over the last couple of weeks. And the way it did so highlights the fundamental rift threatening the future of the GOP: the divide between the party's corporate/anti-tax wing, which includes the people who write the checks, and its social conservative wing, which includes the people who get bodies to the polls. It's the plutocrats versus the theocrats, and at the moment it's hard to tell who's going to win.

This primary battle is a symptom, not a cause, of a crumbling conservative coalition. They may yet put themselves back together, but chances are it will happen after a crushing defeat next November.
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