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  [SF] Progressives to pick candidate / Supervisor says he'll challenge Newsom if no one steps up
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedPatrick  Jun 02, 2007 01:30pm
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News DateSaturday, June 2, 2007 07:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionSan Francisco's progressive left is looking for a leader. A leader, that is, to challenge Mayor Gavin Newsom in November's election.

Tired of waiting for candidates to decide whether to take on the mayor -- whose own re-election campaign is chugging along -- Supervisor Chris Daly called for a convention, taking place today, to find a challenger.

But whether any of the better-known progressives will announce their candidacy at the Tenderloin meeting is unknown, and Daly said if no one else does by the end of the day, he will.

"Much to my wife's chagrin," added Daly, who said anyone who wants a realistic chance of beating Newsom needs to start campaigning now. Daly said he called the convention to force the hand of other progressives now instead of waiting until the August deadline for filing for candidacy.

"I felt that was too late to get into the mayor's race to do the summertime electioneering work that needs to be done," he said.

No one knows for sure what is going to happen, though.
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