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  Monthly Report on Site Building
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Last EditedChronicler  Aug 31, 2006 07:39pm
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News DateFriday, September 1, 2006 01:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionWow! What a month! We broke the record in both categories.

=== News Items ===
43 OC'ers posted 838 news items, the most in any month since I started keeping records. That comes to an average of 19.5 per user. Top 10 (33 to 195 news items):

Randy, C Block, Scott Tester, Thomas Walker, Ryan Walker, Joe Keene, Meta, Forward, Aviator, and Brandon.

=== Races ===
24 OC'ers entered 4,089 new races, the most new races entered in a single month. Having lots of legislative races made this possible. This comes to an average of 170 races for each OC'er who was entering races. Two OC'ers posted over 1,000 races: Eddy 9_99 narrowly outpaced Thomas Walker. In third place, not too far behind, was Meta (welcome back!). Another note: Mad Viking moved up 56 positions this month. Congrats!

Top 10 posters (71 to 1,213 races): Eddy 9_99, Thomas Walker, Meta, Mad Viking, Graney, Brett, RMF, Tester, Chronicler, and C Block.

=== Books ===
Now that Randy has additional information posted, I went through the Books table. So far, 41 OC'ers have posted 389 books, or roughly 9.5 each. Here are the top 10 OC'ers in terms of books posted (16 to 48 books): Thomas Walker, Randy, Pimpilicious, Ben, Meta, Joe Keene, Politix USA, Jake, Eddy 9_99, and Howie.

=== Many thanks again to all OC'ers who have helped with site building in the past month! ===

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