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  Democrats Shake Up Primary Schedule; Nevada Put Between New Hampshire And Iowa On Election Plan
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ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Aug 19, 2006 02:56pm
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MediaTV News - Columbia Broadcasting System CBS News
News DateSaturday, August 19, 2006 08:55:00 PM UTC0:0
Description(AP) Democrats agreed to shake up tradition Saturday by wedging Nevada between Iowa's leadoff caucuses and the New Hampshire primary in the 2008 presidential nominating calendar and adding South Carolina soon afterward.

The addition of Nevada's caucuses and the South Carolina primary to a presidential calendar long dominated by Iowa and New Hampshire is intended to give a greater voice to Hispanics and blacks — minorities critical to Democrats' success.

Nevada has a sizable Hispanic population while South Carolina has a high concentration of black voters. The early contests in those states will give Democrats more prominence in the Southeast and the Southwest, regions that tend to support Republicans.

Advocates of the plan passed on a voice vote by the Democratic National Comittee say it will force Democratic candidates for the White House to develop a broader message that extends beyond the concerns of voters in Iowa or New Hampshire.
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