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  Kweisi Mfume: From Boy in the Hood to Man in the House-And Beyond:
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ContributorUser 13 
Last EditedUser 13  Mar 22, 2005 10:34pm
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DescriptionSometime after his 23rd birthday, an epiphany grabbed Frizzell "Pee Wee" Gray by the collar and told him to turn his life around. He was a dropout, a teenage father. Frizzell was from one those parts of Baltimore that don’t make it into any tour book, where he spent his time hanging on the streets, without purpose or hope. He was, as he likes to say now, going nowhere fast. But unlike many of the other boys in the hood, he was driven to make something of himself, to find a way to make his neighborhood and his world a better place to live.

He started with the basics. Pee Wee had to go (yeah, Pee Wee!). He needed a name that would give clarity to his new purpose.

A great-aunt visited the west coast of Africa and, at his request, brought the name back. He wanted several so he could mull them over and choose just the right one. But she brought back just one.
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