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  State [ NC] GOP is looking ahead to 2008 race
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ContributorUser 490 
Last EditedUser 490  Nov 11, 2004 04:51pm
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News DateThursday, November 11, 2004 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionNo sooner was the 2004 election over than political junkies started speculating about 2008. And when it comes to statewide candidates, some Republicans are worried that they have a very shallow bench.

"Democrats have a crowded field, and the Republicans have an open field," said John Hood, the president of the conservative John Locke Foundation. "Nobody's come out of the locker room yet."

It's clear that Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue, State Treasurer Richard Moore and Attorney General Roy Cooper - all Democrats- could all be positioning to succeed Mike Easley as governor. But the picture is not as clear for Republicans.

Republican Sen. Elizabeth Dole's seat will be up for election in 2008, and many Republicans assume that Dole, who would be 72 that year, will run for re-election.

Dole is currently working to become a part of Senate leadership by running for chairwoman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
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