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  Daily Pennsylvanian
CategoryCollege Newspaper
Start Date 00, 0000
End Date 00, 0000
Last ModifiedScottĀ³ April 30, 2010 11:50pm

From website...
"The Daily Pennsylvanian is the University of Pennsylvania's independent student
newspaper. We cover news and sports from around the Philadelphia metro area
and from the University of Pennsylvania.

Welcome to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the independent student newspaper of the
University of Pennsylvania. About 136 mornings each school year, Penn students,
faculty and staff turn to the DP as their source of campus and city news and sports
coverage. The Daily Pennsylvanian exists to inform the Penn community of relevant
news and opinion while providing a training vehicle for students.

First published in 1885, under the name The Pennsylvanian, the DP is perennially
recognized as one of the top college newspapers in the country. The paper has
been published daily since 1894 (except from May 1943 to November 1945, when
it was not published because of World War II). In 1962, the DP broke away from the
student government and became independent. At the same time, the paper merged
with the Pennsylvania News, the university's women's newspaper.

In 1984, The Daily Pennsylvanian became a corporation, formally completing the
separation of any editorial or financial control by the University of Pennsylvania."

Date Category Headline Article Contributor


Start Date Candidate Category Ad Tone Lng Title Run Time Contributor

PA US Senate - Nov 02, 2010 For Joseph A. Sestak
PA Governor - Nov 02, 2010 D Daniel "Dan" Onorato
PA US Senate - D Primary - May 18, 2010 D Arlen Specter
PA US Senate - R Primary - May 18, 2010 R Pat Toomey
PA US President - Nov 04, 2008 D Barack Obama
PA US President - D Primary - Apr 22, 2008 D Hillary Clinton
PA US President - R Primary - Apr 22, 2008 R John McCain
Philadelphia Mayor - Nov 06, 2007 D Michael A. Nutter
Philadelphia Mayor - D Primary - May 15, 2007 D Michael A. Nutter