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  CNMI Resident Representative to the U.S.

Territory Government DETAILS
Parents > United States > Northern Mariana Islands  
Established January 08, 1978
Disbanded January 03, 2009
Last ModifiedScottĀ³ May 12, 2008 01:09pm
Description Overview
A resident representative to the United States shall be elected to represent the Commonwealth
in the United States and perform those related duties provided by law.

The position of Resident Representative, also known locally as "Washington Representative",
is established by Article V of the Constitution of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the term of
office is four years.

Unlike other territories with civilian governments which are represented in the U.S. House of
Representative each by a non-voting delegate, the CNMI has yet to be granted a delegate seat
by the United States government. The CNMI Resident Representative maintains an office in
Washington, D.C. and his expenses are funded by the CNMI government.

Effective January 3, 2009 this post will be terminated, and will be superseded by a US House
Non-voting delegate. [Link]

Term: Four (4) years. Officers elected at the regular general election shall take office on the
second Monday of January of the year following the year in which the election was held.
Prior to January 1990, the term was for two (2) years.

Polls Close Description Takes Office
Nov 05, 2005 11:00pm CNMI Resident Representative to the U.S.  Jan 09, 2006 12:00am