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  Bellotti, Francis X.
NameFrancis X. Bellotti
Boston, Massachusetts , United States
Born May 03, 1923
DiedDecember 17, 2024 (101 years)
ContributorNot in Public Domain
Last ModifedRBH
Dec 17, 2024 12:22pm
InfoFrank is Of Counsel in the firm's Boston office and practices in the Litigation Section. Prior to joining Mintz Levin in 1991, Frank had been a prominent figure in the Massachusetts legal and political communities for nearly forty years.

Frank was first elected to public office in 1962, as Lieutenant Governor. He later served as Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from 1975 to 1987. By eliminating part-time assistants and implementing a merit-based hiring system, he turned the Attorney General's office into a model for national and local prosecutors alike. He established a reputation as a well respected trial lawyer at virtually every level of the state and federal judicial systems.

In 1981, the 54 member National Association of Attorneys General unanimously voted to award Frank the prestigious Louis C. Wyman Award, as the most outstanding Attorney General in the United States. He served as chairman of the Association's Consumer Protection Committee for three years and was President of the Association from July 1984 to July 1985.

A United States Navy veteran of World War II, he has received numerous honors and awards for public service, including the William O. Douglas First Amendment Freedom Award from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the Distinguished Service award from the Massachusetts AFL-CIO. He has also received honorary law degrees from the New England School of Law and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
Frank is admitted to practice in Massachusetts and before the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit, the U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts, the U.S District Court for the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit. He received his A.B. from Tufts University in 1947 and his LL.B. from Boston College Law School in 1952. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers.

In 1992, the Social Law Library created the Francis X. Bellotti Endowment for Special Acquisitions, in his honor.

In 1997, Frank was chosen by the editorial staff of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, as one of the most influential lawyers of the past twenty-five years.

In 2001, the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) created the Francis X. Bellotti Award in his honor, to be presented annually to a member of the Society of Attorneys General Emeriti (SAGE) who has served NAAG and worked to further its vision and mission.


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Importance? 5.00000 Average

Son Michael G. Bellotti 1963-

  09/19/1990 MA Governor - D Primary Lost 43.63% (-9.80%)
  06/02/1990 MA Governor - D Convention Won 51.26% (+11.06%)
  11/02/1982 MA Attorney General Won 78.25% (+59.35%)
  11/07/1978 MA Attorney General Won 78.43% (+56.87%)
  11/05/1974 MA Attorney General Won 49.67% (+0.95%)
  09/10/1974 MA Attorney General - D Primary Won 36.21% (+12.98%)
  09/15/1970 MA Governor - D Primary Lost 24.36% (-9.98%)
  01/23/1969 MA Attorney General - Appointment Lost 0.38% (-70.38%)
  11/08/1966 MA Attorney General Lost 47.31% (-4.53%)
  09/13/1966 MA Attorney General - D Primary Won 56.91% (+33.14%)
  11/03/1964 MA Governor Lost 49.29% (-0.98%)
  09/15/1964 MA Governor - D Primary Won 49.61% (+3.67%)
  11/06/1962 MA Lt. Governor Won 51.42% (+3.35%)
  09/18/1962 MA Lt. Governor - D Primary Won 57.02% (+14.04%)
MA US President - D Primary - Mar 13, 1984 D John Glenn
Boston Mayor - Primary - Sep 14, 1971 D Joseph F. Timilty, Jr.