Affiliation | Republican |
Name | John Grady |
Address | Belle Glade, Florida , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
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Contributor | Wishful Thinking |
Last Modifed | RBH Apr 10, 2017 12:08am |
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Info | John Grady is a medical doctor who spent 15 years as a family physician in rural south Florida, where he designed, built and operated a busy private medical clinic. In addition to his regular private practice, Dr. Grady delivered 3,000 babies and helped provide free medical, surgical, paediatric, obstetrical and heart clinics for the indigent and migrant workers in that area. During this period the doctor also served as Medical Examiner for the States Attorney, Chief of Staff of Glades General Hospital and State President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
The Doctor has been licensed to practice medicine and surgery in three states, and certified by the National Board of Medical Examiners. Since 1977 Dr. Grady has specialized in emergency medicine, and for 12 years served as director of emergency services at Woods Memorial Hospital in Etowah, Tennessee. His professional qualifications include: Life Fellow of the American College of Forensic Examiners , Diplomat of the American Board of Forensic Medicine , and Board Certified Forensic Examiner . He is recognized as an expert witness before the Courts, and has been certified by the American Institute of Hypnosis . Dr. Grady is a graduate of the renowned Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Nebraska.
The doctor is a former U.S. Navy jet fighter pilot, and was a member of the first squadron to operate swept-wing jet fighter planes from an aircraft carrier. He is a 35-year member of the American Legion, and a member of Catholic War Veterans and the Veterans of Foreign Wars .
Dr. Grady is a nationally recognized author and speaker. His booklet, George Washington's Vision and Prophecy for America, has received nationwide distribution; and his pamphlets, essays, editorials, booklets and television documentaries have been read and seen by hundreds of thousands, both in America and abroad.
Among his professional and civic contributions, Dr. Grady served as Commander of American Legion Post 20, President of Florida Citizens for Law and Decency, President of the Florida Legislative and Research Committee, and Chamber of Commerce President.
During his 15 years in Belle Glade, Florida, Dr. Grady was elected City Commissioner four times, and served three terms as Mayor. During that tenure, the tax millage was reduced three times, all city debt was eliminated, and all city services (police, fire, utilities, etc.) were markedly increased. When he left office the city had a million dollars cash reserve.
In 1974 he ran for the United States Senate as an Independent and received nearly 300,000 votes -- the most of any independent or third party candidate in the U.S. In 1976, he ran again for the U.S. Senate as a Republican, winning a decisive primary victory, carrying 65 of 67 counties. Although unsuccessful in the general election, he polled more than a million votes against the incumbent. Since 1975 Dr. Grady has served as National Chairman of the American Freedom Crusade , a non-profit research and publishing entity he founded, which has produced, in addition to literature and research papers, several widely viewed television documentaries.
As one of the earliest Pro-Life spokesmen, Dr. Grady was founder of the Florida Right to Life Committee , and is the founder and national president of Americans For The Right To Life - the first national pro-life organization. His booklet, Abortion - Yes or No, has been translated into several languages, and is the most widely read treatise in the world on that subject.
Over the past 15 years Doctor and Mrs. Grady have built, and have been the major contributors for the operation of, a 52 acre Christian Retreat and Conference Center in Polk County, Tennessee. This family center, with its chapel , church, research library, guest housing, cemetery, campgrounds and other facilities, is called the Priory of Saint John the Apostle .
The doctors many honors include the following:
Twice selected Florida Man of the Year (1970 and 1973)
Cited by Women for Constitutional Government as the foremost proponent of constitutional government in the state of Florida (1973)
Chosen U.S. Man of the Year by the Congress of Freedom (1975)
Distinguished Service Award by Veterans of ~W II Assn. (1976)
Bicentennial Award by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (1976)
Distinguished Service Award by the U.S. Jaycees (1971)
Liberty Award by the Congress of Freedom (1973, 1974, and 1975)
Special Citation by the Florida Conservative Union (1977)
Patriots Award by We The People (1978)
Medal of Honor by Daughters of the American Revolution (1979)
Polish Freedom Fighters Award (1980)
Patriotism Award by the American Law Enforcement Assn. (1985)
Named Knight Commander in the Order of Polonia Restituta ; Rear Admiral, Fleet Air Wing, Polish Navy; and Honorary Consul-at-large; by the President of the Polish Government in Exile (1983)
Award for Distinguished Service to Community and Nation (1987), and Special National Award for Patriotism and Support of Law Enforcement (l988) by the American Federation of Police.
In 1979, Dr. Grady was designated a Hereditary Knight Commander of Justice in the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (Hospitallers of Jerusalem - Knights of Rhodes - Knights of Malta) the oldest military-religious order in the world, dating from 1048 A.D. In September 1991, in the first world-wide convocation of the Order in nearly 200 years, Dr. Grady was elected Grand Master of the Sovereign Order.
Dr. John Grady is a devoted Christian (traditional Catholic) and dedicated patriot who, for many years, has committed his time, energy, abilities and resources to the defense of the Christian Faith and the preservation of our American Heritage and those ideals and principles which constitute the foundation of the United States and Western Civilization.
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