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  Miles, Mike
NameMike Miles
Colorado Springs, Colorado , United States
Born 00, 1956 (69 years)
Last ModifedCraverguy
Dec 22, 2008 08:37pm
Tags Black - Japanese - Married - Army - Special Forces - Christian - Straight -
InfoMike Miles spent most of his youth in Fort Carson and Colorado Springs, the son of an Army Sergeant Major. After high school, he attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. where he graduated 8th in his class with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Mike went on to serve in the Army as a Ranger, rising to the rank of Captain. Upon leaving military service, Mike earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Slavic Languages and Literature from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Master of Arts in International Affairs and Soviet Studies from Columbia University. He then continued his service to our country as a diplomat. Mike was appointed to the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland by Secretary of State James Baker under President George H.W. Bush in 1991 and to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow by Secretary of State Warren Christopher under President Bill Clinton in 1993. During his diplomatic service, Mike met his wife Karen, and when they decided to begin a family, they returned to Mike’s hometown of Colorado Springs. There Mike embarked on his career as an educator, serving first as a Civics teacher at his alma mater, Fountain-Fort Carson High School, then as a middle-school principal, and presently as Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum in the Fountain-Fort Carson School District.

Mike campaigned in Colorado for the U.S. Senate for almost three years and won top line on the primary ballot at the Democratic state assembly in the spring of 2004, with 52% of the vote. However, he lost the August primary to his Democratic opponent, Attorney General (and currently U.S. Senator) Ken Salazar.

Mike’s run was almost exclusively a grassroots campaign, relying on more than 3,000 volunteers. His progressive agenda and unique résumé attracted people all over the state, and across party lines. Despite large deficits in name recognition, funding, media attention, and support from the Democratic Party, Mike received close to 64,000 votes in the primary.

After the primary loss, Mike’s supporters were simply not willing to abandon the agenda they fostered, and thus formed Be The Change USA in September of 2004. Its immediate short term goal was to support progressive candidates and issues in the November 2004 election. Over the long term, Be The Change USA is dedicated to furthering the progressive agenda Mike espoused and to increase grassroots involvement and influence in the Democratic Party.



Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Apr 26, 2012 09:40pm Announcement Mike Miles Officially New Dallas Superintentent  Article COSDem 
Apr 03, 2012 08:00am Announcement Mike Miles tapped as future Dallas ISD superintendent  Article DFWDem 
Mar 20, 2004 12:00am News Underdog role not fazing Miles' bid for U.S. Senate  Article ArmyDem 
Dec 29, 2003 12:00am Commentary Unsung Dem could strike chord (In Colorado's Senate Race)  Article Stephen Yellin 

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  08/10/2004 CO US Senate - D Primary Lost 26.98% (-46.05%)
CO US Senate - D Primary - Aug 10, 2010 D Andrew Romanoff