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  Hellewell, Parley
NameParley Hellewell
Address492 South 1000 West
Orem, Utah 84058, United States
Website [Link]
Born February 01, 1950 (75 years)
ContributorUser 13
Last ModifedUser 13
Mar 06, 2004 03:07pm
InfoEducation: Business Management and Marketing, Utah Valley State College

Profession: Owner - PPM, Inc. - plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical business

Sen. Parley Hellewell was born in Burley, Idaho, on February 1, 1950, to James and Helen Hellewell. He grew up in Heyburn, Idaho, the 4th of 13 children, and spent his younger years working on the family farm. He graduated from Minico High School in 1968.

After an LDS Church mission to Germany, Parley attended Utah Technical College, now Utah Valley State College, in Orem, where he graduated with a degree in Business Management and Marketing.

Upon graduation, Parley spent eight years as a department manager and buyer for Taylor's Department Store in Provo.

In 1979, Parley became self-employed in property management. Through the years, he has started or bought and sold several businesses. At the present time, he owns and operates a major heating, cooling, and plumbing business in Utah County.

In June of 1970, Parley married Marilynn Barlow, also from Heyburn, Idaho. They have spent the last 33 years living in the Provo-Orem area and are the parents of four children--Lance, Kristi, Jaden, and Katie. The three older children are married, and Parley and Marilynn now have seven grandchildren.

In 1998, Parley successfully ran for the Utah State Senate in District 15. Re-elected in 2002, he is the chair of the Business Labor and the Economic Development committee and also serves on the Natural Resources appropriation sub-committee and the Rules committee.


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  05/08/2004 UT Governor - R Convention Lost 0.00% (-51.28%)
  11/05/2002 UT State Senate 15 Won 90.31% (+80.61%)
  11/03/1998 UT State Senate 15 Won 71.46% (+46.47%)
  05/04/1996 UT District 3 - R Convention Lost 0.00% (-61.23%)
  06/27/1992 UT District 3 - R Convention Lost 20.91% (-58.19%)