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  Nader Milleron, Laura
NameLaura Nader Milleron
Berkeley, California , United States
Born February 16, 1930 (94 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedMr. Matt
Feb 07, 2023 07:26am
InfoSister of Ralph Nader.

Laura Nader is currently a Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkley. She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Radcliffe University in 1961. Her education included fieldwork in a Zapotec village in Oaxaca, Mexico, which nurtured her interest in law as it exists in various societies, an interest that began with her family, who stressed the importance of law and justice.

Nader�s areas of interest include comparative ethnography of law and dispute resolution, conflict, comparative family organization, the anthropology of professional mindsets and ethnology of the Middle East, Mexico, Latin America and the contemporary United States. She was involved in conferences in the 1960's, determining the direction the study of law in society as a part of society and not insulated and isolated from other human institutions, should take as it developed. Nader edited and published essays from these conferences as well as authoring several books on the anthropology of law, establishing herself as an influential figure in the development of the field.

Some of her work focuses on conflict resolution in the Zapotec village she studied. Nader notes that people confront each other face to face on a personal scale. Judges strive to find solutions that are balanced rather than placing one hundred percent of the blame on one party. Nader believes this reflects the society, their economic system, hierarchal structure and any other institutional or variable. In contrast, she finds that in the United States, conflict often escalates to polarized blame and violence.

The party a person may need to confront may be large and impersonal and much more powerful than they. She concludes that the kinds of cases people bring to court, reflect areas of stress in the social structure of a community. Ralph Nader, consumer activist, is Laura Nader's brother. Evidently, law and justice is a family issue and the apples don't fall far from the tree.



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Father Nathra Nader 1892-1991
Brother Shafeek Nader 1926-1986
Sister Claire Nader 1928-
Brother Ralph Nader 1934-
Mother Rose Bouziane Nader 1906-2006