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  Petersen, David
NameDavid Petersen
Mesa, Arizona , United States
Born September 20, 1950 (74 years)
ContributorJoshua L.
Last ModifedJoshua L.
Dec 13, 2003 09:26pm
InfoDavid A. Petersen – age 52, was born to Marvin and Ilene Petersen of Mesa, Arizona on September 20th, 1950. David is a graduate of Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona (class of 1968). David is married to Patti and together they have eight children, two boys & six girls.

David enjoys playing basketball and guitar. David also enjoys singing and was a member of the “Singing Senators” while serving in the Arizona State Senate. David’s focus away from the day to day business of government is doing things together with his family.

David served in the Arizona State Senate for eight years and as majority WHIP when he departed for the Treasury in 2003. David served as Chair on the Family Services Committee where he successfully sought legislation for reducing adoption bureaucracy from twenty-one months to nine months. David introduced and was instrumental in the passage of character education legislation with supportive funding, which would impact all schools in Arizona. David Petersen was key in introducing legislation which made Arizona the second state in the nation to pass a covenant marriage law which raised the standards for marriage contracts in Arizona. One of David’s most acclaimed legislative actions required 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students in Arizona schools to recite at least a portion of the Declaration of Independence each day.

David’s long term goal is to be a leader of good character and integrity in the community while serving the citizens of Arizona as State Treasurer. Administratively, David has eight goals for this year which include; policy renovation, audit and global security risk legislation, completion of a comprehensive infrastructure master plan, financial, business and character education programs. David’s objective is to lead others in government to protect the taxpayer’s dollars through transparency and disclosure of all activity within the Treasurer’s office and the State of Arizona.


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Dec 12, 2006 09:10am Legal Ruling Ex-treasurer (AZ) sentenced to 3 years of probation  Article Thomas Walker 
Oct 20, 2006 12:55pm News Attorney: Arizona state treasurer accepts plea agreement  Article Thomas Walker 
Feb 23, 2006 12:50pm News Embattled [AZ] treasurer won't seek re-election  Article ArmyDem 

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  11/05/2002 AZ Treasurer Won 51.23% (+2.46%)
  09/10/2002 AZ Treasurer - R Primary Won 59.48% (+18.96%)
  11/07/2000 AZ State Senate 29 Won 63.39% (+26.78%)
  09/12/2000 AZ State Senate 29 - R Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/03/1998 AZ State Senate 29 Won 67.86% (+35.73%)
  09/08/1998 AZ State Senate 29 - R Primary Won 79.78% (+59.55%)
  11/05/1996 AZ State Senate 29 Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  09/10/1996 AZ State Senate 29 - R Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1994 AZ State Senate 29 Won 67.40% (+34.80%)
  09/13/1994 AZ State Senate 29 - R Primary Won 57.18% (+14.35%)
  09/12/2006 AZ Treasurer - R Primary Lost 0.00% (-100.00%)
AZ Governor - R Primary - Sep 12, 2006 R Don Goldwater