Affiliation | Republican |
Name | Janice E. Arnold-Jones |
Address | 7713 Sierra Azul Ave NE Albuquerque, New Mexico , United States |
Email | None |
Website | [Link] |
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Contributor | Joshua L. |
Last Modifed | RBH Mar 13, 2020 01:40pm |
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Info | A graduate of Albuquerque High School and the University of New Mexico, Janice Arnold-Jones began her career in public service early, when she was elected to serve as Vice President of the Associated Students of UNM. While at UNM, she was instrumental in launching what later became New Mexico’s Criminal Sexual Conduct Legislation.
Janice has owned and operated her own successful small business, and has been instrumental in growing the Albuquerque office of Parallax, Inc. from a small staff of only two people into a thriving enterprise with 22 team members and contracts in excess of $11 million. (Just think what she can do with our state budget!)
In the state legislature, Janice Arnold-Jones has fought hard on issues that matter most to New Mexico, including lowering taxes, improving math and science education in our schools, and working on public safety issues that allow law enforcement to respond more efficiently to emergencies.
In 2009, Janice Arnold-Jones made history with her courageous stand to put cameras in the state legislature to expose corruption and secret backroom deals. Janice’s courage in fighting for more ethical and honest government has earned her the respect and admiration of people throughout New Mexico, as well as the prestigious “Lights of Liberty” Award from the Rio Grande Foundation, the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government’s 2010 William S. Dixon First Amendment Freedom Award and a commendation from Clearly New Mexico. Perhaps most famously, Janice was dubbed “Lady Sunlight” by the popular press for bringing light into the dark corners of our legislative process.
Janice is deeply committed to supporting her community. She has coached and trained fellow coaches in the American Youth Soccer Organization and chaired the board of the NM Poison and Drug Information Center. She currently works with the NM Commission for Public Broadcasting and the Bernalillo County Council of Health Councils, and participates in her local and district neighborhood associations.
Janice and her husband, John (Commander, Retired, USN) have two children and are proud to call Albuquerque their home.
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