Affiliation | Democratic |
Name | C. Alexander "Alex" Harvin III |
Address | Summerton, South Carolina , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
February 07, 1950
Died | October 11, 2005
(55 years)
Contributor | Joshua L. |
Last Modifed | RBH Aug 29, 2021 11:40pm |
Tags |
Freemason - Young Democrats - Presbyterian -
Info | Charles Alexander "Alex" Harvin, III
Full-time Legislator; residing at 2 Edwards Dr., Summerton; b. Feb. 7, 1950; s. the late Charles Alexander, Jr. and Thomasine (Graham) Harvin; g. Charleston Southern Univ., B.A., 1972; Augusta Law School, J.D., 1976; Mar. 20, 1982 m. Cathy Jane Brand, 1 child, Mary Franklin; Pres., Charleston Southern Univ. Chap. Pi Gamma Mu (Hon. Soc.), 1972; Pres. of Class of 1972; Chm., Charleston Southern Univ. Young Dem.; Who's Who Among Students at Amer. Colls. & Univs., 1972; Student Chm., Amer. Bar Assn. Com. on Intl. Exchange of Attys.; Natl. Student Register, 1972; life mem., Alpha Phi Omega Natl. Serv. Frat., Outstanding Serv. Award, 1972; S.C. Hall of Fame Trustee; VP, 1983-84 & Pres., 1985-86, Clarendon Co. Historical Soc.; inducted into Huguenot Soc. of S.C., 1985 & First Families of S.C., 1987; Bd. mem., Confederation of S.C. Local Historical Societies Exec. Council, 1985-91; Bd. of Dirs., South Caroliniana Soc., 1986-89; VC, Charleston Southern Univ. Alumni Bd., 1975-76; Hon. Doctorate, Sherman Coll., 1979; Hon. Doctor of Humanities, Francis Marion Univ., 1985; Hon. Doctor of Laws, Charleston Southern Univ., 1988; Bd. of Visitors at Clemson Univ., 1977; Med. Univ. of S.C., 1986-87; Charleston Southern Univ., 1988-90, 1997-98; Distinguished Serv. Award, S.C. Dem. Party, 1981; Legis. Serv. Award, UPS, 1984; Freshman Legislator of the Year of Univ. of S.C. Young Dem., 1977; Legislator of the Year, S.C. Student Legis., 1981; S.C. Young Dem. Legislator of the Year, 1982; S.C. State Library Bd. Legislator of the Year, 1982; S.C. Assn. for the Deaf Legislator of the Year, 1985, 2001; S.C. Animal Control Assn. Legislator of the Year, 1986; Del., 1984 Dem. Natl. Convention; VC, S.C. Dem. Party, 1976-78; Chm., Clarendon Co. Dem. Party, 1979-; Majority Whip, 1979-82; Majority Leader, 1982-86; Majority Leader Emeritus, 1986-; VC, Jt. Agric. Study Com.; VC, U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Comm.; VC, NCSL Labor, Commerce & Econ. Dev. Com., 1985-90; Chm., NCSL Com. on Intl., 1986; mem.: NCSL Exec. Com., 1988-91; Masonic Lodge No. 105 (fourth generation); Scottish Rite; Omar Shrine Temple (third generation); Who's Who in the South; Who's Who in Politics in the U.S.; Who's Who in America; Bd. of Govs., S.C. Reinsurance Facility; Jt. Ins. Study Com.; Confederation of S.C. Local Historical Societies Exec. Council, 1985-91; Charleston Southern Univ. 2000 Distinguished Alumni of the Year; mil. serv.: Major, S.C. Guard; prev. serv. in House 1977-05.
In 2004, Harvin held a seat on several high-ranking committees, including the House Ways and Means Committee.
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