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  Alben, Alex
NameAlex Alben
AddressP.O. Box 709
Mercer Island, Washington 98040, United States
Born 00, 1958 (67 years)
Last ModifedPaul
Aug 21, 2023 10:27pm
InfoBusiness and community leader Alex Alben will bring proven job creating skills, a commitment to education and a balanced approach to foreign policy to the U.S. House of Representatives from Washington�s 8th Congressional District.

The forty-five year old resident of Mercer Island has spent the past ten years shaping business strategies for successful local high-tech companies. Alex has been instrumental in creating jobs and promoting economic growth in the Puget Sound region and believes we need new leadership to target investment and help our economy diversify, grow and create new jobs.

Alex is a nationally recognized expert on Intellectual Property law, who has been at the forefront of issues such as Internet piracy, e-commerce and consumer privacy. He led the fight to protect Internet webcasters and has been instrumental in reforming existing copyright law to modernize it for the digital economy. In Congressional hearings and other venues, he has worked to help local businesses grow and prosper in the fields of personal computing and the Internet.

As a parent of school-age children, Alex is deeply committed to improving education at all levels. He supports full funding for Head Start, improving technology access and teacher training in our classrooms, and will promote intelligent long-term investment in higher education to train the scientists and engineers required for Washington state to compete in the global marketplace.

As a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy, and a Board Member of the Washington Council on International Trade, Alex believes in fair, balanced trade policies. He is concerned that the lack of a clear exit strategy following our military victory in Iraq is creating excessive burdens on taxpayers, our economy, and our international relationships. Our foreign policy, he believes, must embrace American values, strategic interests and multilateral solutions to share the costs of nation building and peace-keeping around the world.

Community Activities include service on the Government Affairs Committee of the Washington Software Alliance. He is a founding member of the Digital Media Association, which has led the agenda for digital commerce and the new economy. He was tapped by Mayor Greg Nickels of Seattle to serve on the mayor�s taskforce on reforming the taxation of local software and biotech businesses.

Alex is a Board Member of Youth Theatre Northwest where he lends his talents to sustain a non-profit arts organization for children ages 3-18. He is also active as a Little League Coach with the Boys & Girls Club and in the YWCA.

Alex teaches an annual course at the University of Washington School of Law on topics ranging from Legislation to Internet Law. He speaks frequently at conferences devoted to digital media, privacy and security issues.

Alex is honored to serve on Stanford Law School�s Law, Science and Technology advisory council and on the University of Washington School of Law�s Shidler Center on Law, Commerce and Technology. He recently received an Outstanding Achievement Award from Stanford Associates for his alumni work in the NorthWest.

Alex is an avid runner, cyclist and mountain climber, who has reached many Cascade Mountain summits, including the peak of the 8th District�Mount Rainier.

Alex is a graduate of Stanford University and Stanford Law School. He lives on Mercer Island with his wife Ellen, daughter Emily � age 11, and son Jeremy -- age 8


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  09/14/2004 WA - District 08 - D Primary Lost 30.65% (-17.78%)