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  Lee, Sue
NameSue Lee
San Francisco, California , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedCraverguy
Oct 20, 2008 09:02pm
Tags Asian - Married - Straight -
InfoSue Lee’s record of service to the Richmond District spans four decades. Sue is an exceptionally experienced advocate for our neighborhood, affordable housing, small business, equal rights and a better quality of life for all San Franciscans. She recently served on the Planning Commission — the only commissioner to be appointed for two terms, first by the Board of Supervisors and then by Mayor Gavin Newsom.

As a neighborhood activist, Sue was one of the leaders of a grassroots effort to create, and later served as the president of the Board of the multi-cultural Richmond District Neighborhood Center, which 28 years later continues to serve youth and their families in the Richmond.
As a Supervisor’s aide, Sue crafted landmark legislation to pay tenants interest on security deposits.

As economic development officer in three Mayoral administrations (Feinstein, Agnos and Brown) Sue published the first guidebook for small businesses called Getting Business Started, created the “Green Ribbon Panel” to promote environmental best practices and coordinated relief efforts after the Loma Prieta earthquake.

As a business community advocate, Sue helped shape the City’s “Equal Benefits Ordinance,” that required businesses that contract with the City to provide employee benefits for domestic partners.

As a Planning Commissioner for the last six years, Sue earned wide respect for her thorough preparation, neighborhood perspective, advocacy for smart land use policies, and her balanced approach to solving the City’s toughest problems.

A third generation San Franciscan, Sue attended Madison (Claire Lilienthal) Elementary, Roosevelt Junior High, and Washington High schools in the Richmond District. After graduating from the University of California Santa Cruz, Sue returned home to teach English to Chinese immigrants. She also began a long career in community service.

Sue currently works as the executive director of the nonprofit Chinese Historical Society of America and its museum. She lives with her husband and son in the inner Richmond District.


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  11/04/2008 SF Board of Supervisors - District 1 Lost 38.57% (-2.58%)