Affiliation | Democratic |
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2009-01-01 |
Name | Chet Edwards |
Address | Waco, Texas , United States |
Email | None |
Website | None |
Born |
November 24, 1951
(73 years)
Contributor | Wishful Thinking |
Last Modifed | Paul Feb 05, 2013 07:00pm |
Tags |
Caucasian - Married - Christian - Protestant - Southern Baptist - Straight -
Info | Congressman Chet Edwards proudly represents portions of North Texas, Central Texas and the Brazos Valley in Washington. Since first elected to the United States Congress in 1990, Chet is a respected senior member on both the House Budget and the Appropriations Committees. Chet also serves on the Financial Services Appropriations Subcommittee, Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, co-chair of the House Army Caucus, and the USO Congressional Caucus.
As the Chairman of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee, Congressman Edwards is known as a national champion for America’s veterans, troops, and their families. Since 2007, he has authored an historic $16.3 billion increase in funding for veterans health care and benefits, the largest increase in veterans funding in the history of the Veterans Administration, and a larger increase in two years than the previous 12 years combined in Congress. In 2008, both the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars recognized Congressman Edwards’ leadership with their national awards given to only one member of Congress. In 2008, Chairman Edwards played a key role in enacting the 21st Century GI Bill of Rights into law to cover the full cost of a college education.
During his 18 year tenure in Congress including 11 years of seniority on the powerful Appropriations Committee, Congressman Edwards has developed a reputation of working hard and effectively for his Central Texas constituents. This reputation is the result of his commitment to protecting jobs and the local economy by making vital federal investments in key education, health, transportation, and water programs in the 17th District. Securing important federal investments for Fort Hood, the Central Texas Veterans’ Health Care System, and university research programs at Baylor and Texas A&M Universities are also a primary focus of Congress Edwards’ work in Washington.
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