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  Kilroy, Mary Jo
<-  2009-01-01  
NameMary Jo Kilroy
Address3100 Midgard Road
Columbus, Ohio 43202, United States
Website [Link]
Born April 30, 1949 (75 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedPaul
Feb 05, 2013 02:19pm
Tags Married -
InfoMary Jo Kilroy has spent her career fighting for families in Columbus and Franklin County.

After serving on the Columbus School Board for eight years, Kilroy was elected to the Franklin County Commission in 2000. As a member of the three-person commission, Kilroy serves Franklin County’s one million-plus residents by managing more than $1.2 billion in taxpayer funds.

Commissioner Kilroy is committed to a living wage for workers, and works hard to ensure that living wages are paid to all employees of the county and employees of companies who do business with the county. Commissioner Kilroy led the effort to institute the Quality Contractor policy in Franklin County, which required that those doing business with Franklin County pay a prevailing wage and provide comprehensive health care to their employees. Additionally, the Quality Contractor policy rewards bidders that use a work force that has completed an accredited apprenticeship program, provides a pension plan and is free from any violations of the fair labor standards act within a year period.

Working with Access Health Columbus, Commissioner Kilroy has sought solutions for providing health care for the uninsured. Commissioner Kilroy has uncovered avenues to connect uninsured, low-income families with physicians and other health care professionals, while looking for ways to ensure more employers provide health care for employees. Kilroy helped provide $1 million to Franklin County communities that find new ways to open access to health care.

Recognizing a need for adequate affordable housing in Franklin County, Kilroy helped create the Columbus/Franklin County Affordable Housing Trust Corporation. The Corporation acts as a broker in the community to coordinate development projects that provide affordable housing units by using a combination of grants and loans, while leveraging other public and private funding sources.

In her tenure on the Columbus School Board, Kilroy sponsored a number of important initiatives for the district including open enrollment for public schools, strict and consistent penalties for bringing weapons to schools and anti-harassment policy guidelines. For her service on the school board, Kilroy received the Public Official of the Year award from the Central Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers.

Commissioner Kilroy is an Ohio State University law school graduate and a partner in private practice at Handelman and Kilroy with her husband Robert Handelman. Together, they have two daughters, Julia, a graduate student at Columbia University and Rosa, an undergraduate at RISDA and Brown University, and three active dogs, two from the Franklin County Animal Shelter and one from Capital Area animal rescue organizations.


DateFirmFavorableUnfavorableDon't Know
05/20/2008-05/22/2008 Benenson Strategy Group (D) 44.00% ( 0.0) 34.00% ( 0.0) 22.00% ( 0.0)

Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor

Importance? 0.00000 Average


  03/06/2012 OH District 3 - D Primary Lost 34.74% (-3.58%)
  11/02/2010 OH - District 15 Lost 41.29% (-12.87%)
  05/04/2010 OH - District 15 - D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/04/2008 OH - District 15 Won 45.94% (+0.76%)
  03/04/2008 OH - District 15 D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/07/2006 OH - District 15 Lost 49.72% (-0.48%)
  05/02/2006 OH - District 15 D Primary Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/02/2004 Franklin County Commissioner Won 53.11% (+6.21%)
  11/07/2000 Franklin County Commissioner Won 48.23% (+1.16%)
  01/01/1999 CPS School Board President Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  01/01/1998 CPS School Board Vice President Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/05/1996 OH State Senate 16 Lost 37.46% (-14.34%)
  11/07/1995 Columbus Board of Education Won 13.27% (-0.85%)
  01/01/1994 CPS School Board Vice President Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  01/01/1993 CPS School Board Vice President Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/05/1991 Columbus Board of Education Won 9.28% (-1.35%)
OH US President - D Primary - Mar 02, 2004 D Howard Dean
OH US President - D Primary - Mar 02, 2004 D John Edwards
OH District 12 - Nov 03, 1992 G Bob Fitrakis
OH US President - D Primary - Jun 02, 1992 D Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown, Jr.
C00416156 Kilroy for Congress $ 12713.15