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  Gordon, Bart
<-  2009-01-01  
NameBart Gordon
Murfreesboro, Tennessee , United States
Born January 24, 1949 (76 years)
Contributoreddy 9_99
Last ModifedRBH
Aug 02, 2021 06:20pm
Tags Caucasian - Married - Christian - Methodist - Protestant - Straight -
InfoBarton Jennings Gordon

As the Dean of the Tennessee Delegation, Bart Gordon is currently serving his 10th term in Congress, representing the Sixth District, which includes 15 Middle Tennessee counties.
Philosophically, Bart has always believed in a bipartisan approach to governing. Reasonable people can work together to make the important choices necessary to bring opportunity to all Americans.

Bart serves on the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee and on the Science Committee. Bart is the second ranking Democrat on Science and is the ranking member on the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics. He also serves on two subcommittees in Energy and Commerce -- Telecommunications and the Internet, and Health.

In 1990, Bart initiated a wide-ranging investigation into the federal student aid system. He authored and helped pass a number of far-reaching reforms that saved taxpayers more than $6 billion and made financial aid more accessible to low- and middle-income students.

Furthermore, the Congress passed Bart's proposal to ban awarding Pell Grants to prison inmates, which cost taxpayers between $70 million to $200 million a year and took money away from traditional students.

One of Bart's highest priorities is making sure parents have the tools they need to control the information their children can access through TV, by telephone and on the Internet. Bart authored legislation protecting citizens from fraudulent 1-900 and 1-800 telephone numbers.

Bart was the first member of Congress to oppose a temporary waste dump for the nation's nuclear waste to be located in Tennessee. Bart has stood up to three Presidents who wanted to place a nuclear waste storage site in Tennessee and continues to fight proposals to put nuclear waste in the state.

Bart is also at the forefront of the effort to prevent the Congress from selling the Southeastern Power Administration, including the lakes, the reservoirs and the recreational areas under its jurisdiction, to private developers. Several lakes in Middle Tennessee could be put up for auction if the plan is enacted.

Educated in Rutherford County public schools, Bart graduated with honors from Middle Tennessee State University in 1971. He served in the Army Reserves from 1971 to1972 and received an honorable discharge in 1972. Gordon went on to receive his law degree from the University of Tennessee Law School in Knoxville. The Murfreesboro lawmaker is married to Leslie Peyton Gordon, and the two have a daughter, Peyton Margaret Gordon.


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Importance? 6.00000 Average


  11/04/2008 TN - District 06 Won 74.42% (+48.84%)
  11/07/2006 TN - District 06 Won 67.12% (+35.77%)
  08/03/2006 TN - District 06 - D Primary Won 92.29% (+84.57%)
  11/02/2004 TN - District 06 Won 64.24% (+30.66%)
  08/05/2004 TN - District 06 - D Primary Won 93.25% (+86.50%)
  11/05/2002 TN District 6 Won 65.92% (+33.59%)
  08/01/2002 TN District 6 - D Primary Won 91.58% (+83.29%)
  11/07/2000 TN District 6 Won 62.10% (+26.37%)
  11/03/1998 TN District 6 Won 54.61% (+9.30%)
  08/06/1998 TN - District 06 - D Primary Won 99.92% (+99.84%)
  11/05/1996 TN District 6 Won 54.42% (+12.85%)
  08/01/1996 TN District 6 - D Primary Won 88.86% (+77.74%)
  11/08/1994 TN District 6 Won 50.60% (+1.21%)
  08/04/1994 TN District 6 - D Primary Won 68.40% (+36.80%)
  11/03/1992 TN District 6 Won 56.57% (+15.95%)
  08/06/1992 TN District 6 - D Primary Won 83.07% (+74.12%)
  11/06/1990 TN District 6 Won 66.70% (+37.58%)
  11/08/1988 TN District 6 Won 76.47% (+52.94%)
  11/04/1986 TN District 6 Won 76.83% (+53.65%)
  11/06/1984 TN District 6 Won 62.82% (+25.63%)
  08/02/1984 TN District 6 - D Primary Won 28.40% (+6.27%)
US President - D Primaries - Jun 09, 2004 D Richard A. "Dick" Gephardt