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  Welch, Dwight
NameDwight Welch
Carbondale, Illinois , United States
Website [Link]
Born Unknown
Last ModifedBob
Sep 10, 2007 01:26am
Tags Christian -
InfoI've decided to enter the race for the presidential nomination of the Socialist Party USA. To run on a third party line for the presidency is to confront the fact that the race is not to win as much as to raise ideas and expand the discussion.

A bit of background. I've been a campus minister, an adjunct college professor, and a radio show host. I've been a member of the SP for 17 years and have held various party posts from the covenor of the Faith and Socialism commission to a local organizer, to a member of the SP national committee; a post I currently hold.

I hold views on a range of subjects but I hope to highlight four of them during this campaign.

1. Withdrawal from Iraq
2. Universal Health Care for All
3. Reforming labor laws so that those who want to join a union can do so
4. Ending the use of Torture, Restoring Constitutional Rights

These four issues highlight immediate needs this country faces and challenges we must meet if we wish to begin building the basis for a better society. They highlight the need for a cooperative society where human need and not private profit is our guiding light.

I hope to address these issues and other ones as they come up over the next number of months. I'm not asking for donations. That's a first for a campaign website. This is simply a word of mouth campaign for those in the SP and sympathetic fellow travelers.

I should also note that if there is somebody else in that party that can run a more credible campaign in a way that brings out a non dogmatic democratic left approach to the issues I'll be eager to set aside this run to support them. We need such folks to step up in this small party of ours.

Thanks and Peace.


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  10/21/2007 Socialist Party USA National Committee- Male Members Won 6.45% (-2.42%)
  10/22/2005 Socialist Party USA National Committee- Male Members Lost 5.32% (-3.64%)