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  Connally, John B.
<-  1979-01-01  
NameJohn B. Connally
Austin, Texas , United States
Born February 27, 1917
DiedJune 15, 1993 (76 years)
ContributorNot in Public Domain
Last ModifedRBH
Nov 17, 2018 01:20am
Tags Irish - Navy - Methodist - Straight -
InfoA long-time associate of former President Lyndon B. Johnson, whom he served first as secretary in 1939 in the House of Representatives and later as Administrative Assistant in 1949 in the United States Senate, Mr. Connally earned a distinguished World War II record between those assignments. Upon his return from naval service in 1946, he became president, general manager and attorney for radio station KVET in Austin, Texas, a business he helped organize.

President Kennedy appointed Mr. Connally Secretary of the Navy on December 27, 1961. He later successfully ran for Governor of Texas. Governor Connally was critically wounded while riding with President Kennedy when the President was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in November 1963.

Long active in Democratic Party affairs, Mr. Connally rose above partisan politics to serve on President Nixon's Advisory Council on Executive Organization in 1969-1970, and subsequently was appointed by the President to be a member of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in 1970.

Connally was nominated by President Nixon to be the 61st Secretary of the Treasury. He took office on February 11, 1971.

Mr. Connally came to the Treasury Department with a distinguished career of achievement in public life and in the private sector. A lawyer by profession, he was active in the practice of law and politics in Texas, including three terms as Governor of the State from 1963-1968.

As Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Connally became one of the most influential members of the Cabinet, and was designated chief spokesman of the Nixon Administration in matters relating to the economic program to halt inflation and spur industrial productivity, a program he helped design and present to the Congress.

Mr. Connally was born February 27, 1916, in Floresville, Texas, and attended Texas schools earning the Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Texas in Austin. Married to the former Idanell Brill of Austin, they had three children: John B. Connally, III, Mark Connally, and Mrs. Robert (Sharon) Ammann. Mr. Connally died on June 15, 1993.


Title Purchase Contributor

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Sep 02, 2006 05:05pm Obituary Former Texas first lady Nellie Connally dies  Article DFWDem 

Importance? 9.25000 Average

Father John Connally Sr. 1887-1950
Brother Wayne W. Connally 1923-2000

  06/03/1980 US President - R Primaries Lost 0.64% (-59.15%)
  08/19/1976 US Vice President - R Convention Lost 0.18% (-84.86%)
  07/01/1976 US President - R Primaries Lost 0.00% (-53.29%)
  02/24/1976 NH US Vice President - D Primary Lost 0.30% (-49.81%)
  02/11/1971 US Secretary of the Treasury Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
  11/08/1966 TX Governor Won 72.76% (+46.95%)
  05/07/1966 TX Governor - D Primary Won 74.29% (+51.06%)
  11/03/1964 TX Governor Won 73.79% (+47.79%)
  05/02/1964 TX Governor - D Primary Won 69.06% (+40.14%)
  11/06/1962 TX Governor Won 53.98% (+8.41%)
  06/02/1962 TX Governor - D Runoff Won 51.19% (+2.38%)
  05/05/1962 TX Governor - D Primary Won 29.82% (+7.84%)
  01/25/1961 Secretary of the Navy Won 100.00% (+100.00%)
TX US Senate - Special - May 01, 1993 R Jack Fields
US President - R Convention - Jul 17, 1980 R Ronald Reagan
US President - Dec 18, 1972 R Richard M. Nixon
US Vice President - D Convention - Aug 27, 1964 D Eugene J. "Gene" McCarthy
US President - D Primaries - Jul 01, 1960 D Lyndon B. Johnson
US President - Dec 15, 1952 R Dwight D. Eisenhower