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  King, Ed
NameEd King
Address1115 Villa Nueva Drive
Litchfield Park, Arizona 85340, United States
Born July 11, 1948 (75 years)
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifedThomas Walker
Oct 17, 2006 01:21pm
InfoName: Ed King
Address: 1115 Villa Nueva Drive- Litchfield Park, Arizona 85340
Phone: 623-536-6334
EMail: none
Website: none
Occupation: real estate brokerage and financial services
Previous Occupation: retired farmer-former Maricopa County Supervisor-Owner of King's Department Store
Education: Arizona State University
Birth Date: July 11, 1948
Family: Spouse Loree King- married 32 years- Lindsay King (daughter) Courtney King (daughter)
How long have you lived in Arizona? 58 years
What is your party registration and how long have you been registered as a member of that party? Republican 1990-2006 - Democrat 1974- 1990
Previous public offices you've sought/held: Maricopa County Supervisor District 4- 1992-1996
Civic organizations in which you've been active? Westmarc, Farm Bureau, Maricopa County Sports Authority, Executive Committee of El Rio, Board of Directors of Greater Phoenix Economic Council ( GPEC)
Do you have any sort of a criminal record or any outstanding civil judgments? Please be specific. There are no criminal records or any outstanding civil judgments against me.

The CAWCD board toils in virtual anonymity. The subject is complex. There is no pay. Why are you running for a seat on the board?
I am running for a seat on the CAWD Board because my family has been on the West Valley for 75 years. Lots of good things are coming to the West side. The West side is where most new water use is happening. I would like to see more recharge on the West side for a possible drought. CAP could expand by doubling the existing capacity and water allocated for recharge in the new growth areas like Surprise, Glendale and Buckeye.
List your top two priorities. Please explain each.
My two top priorities are Future Storage and Lowering water and tax rate.

1- Future Storage: We need to expand the recharge and recovery program to get as much water in the ground for our future. We have been pumping the underground water sources for more than 50 years. We should lease or buy water from farms, mines or river users and double the underground storage of water. I would like to see recharge basins expanded by doubling the existing capacity. Rate Payers would pay the costs.

2- Lowering water and tax rate: The CAP board has been lowering water rates. We need to accelerate the lowering of water rates and tax rates. The project was certified and completed years ago. Now the need to streamline water rates and pass efficiency on to the water providers. We could lower rates by charging more for recharge to NV or other entities who need water for the future.
How would you rate the existing management and staff of the Central Arizona Project? Are they doing a good job or poor job? Please explain.
Staff has done a great job managing the water supplies of CAP. They have taken the role of water defender when the Feds and other states have tried to steal our water rights. They should continue to do so.
Do you support Arizona's water bank and its agreement with Nevada? Why or why not?
I support the Water Bank to store water for our future. We need to advance storage for water for AZ. AZ has the lower priority on our share of the river. In time of drought AZ gets cut off first. We must bank water in a savings account in case of shortage. The Water Bank stores water for NV for a future. I support the underground storage and recovery efforts by the Water Bank. Working with our neighboring state of NV who has common goals as AZ is a good policy.
The Imperial Irrigation District of California is in a legal dispute with Mexico over the lining of the All American canal. A stay on the construction has been granted by the 9th Circuit Court. Should the canal be lined or not?
CA needs to conserve water for their future. The lining of the canal saves water fir the future of cities in CA. Water use from leakage is a leach type behavior and should be stopped.
Do you favor restarting the Yuma Desalting Plant? Why or why not?
The Feds should pay the obligation they agreed to by starting the desalter. If the Yuma desalter is started like the Feds agreed to do, it will save us 100,000 AF per year. I would like to look at the land fallowing option also. We could pay farmers not to farm and minimize the high salt output of the desalter's waste by product.
Do you support ongoing Colorado River augmentation efforts such as cloud seeding and the removal or tamarisk trees. What other ideas do you have?
I support the underground storage and recovery efforts by the Water Bank. We have to get new water from somewhere. Making new water from conservation efforts should be first. Second, cloud seeding and removal of non native trees should be part of the mix.
Was the Gila River Indian Community settlement good for Arizona? Why or why not?
The Gila River Indian Community settlement was good for Arizona. I support the water claims to stabilize the water resources. The settlement brings certainty toAZ water and it stays in AZ.



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  11/07/2006 Central Arizona Water Conservation District Director Lost 6.16% (-6.62%)